Welcome to my happy place of DIY, homemade, homegrown, handmade, nourished & crafted, whole hearted living. Finding magic in the mundane & growing some roots in the process.
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This coming Thanksgiving will mark 10 years in this home. I never fully tackled our master bedroom because other projects were always more important. Funny how we women do that… put ourselves last.
Here is a pic of our bedroom the week we moved in back in 2010 and another from maybe 2012-ish.
For my Christmas gift 6 months ago, my family gave me cash to put towards finally taking on the bedroom. It took hours of work and mass amounts of spackling, joint compound, lattice, caulk, plus gallons of primer and paint. It was a lot of work but was also incredibly fulfilling creatively. I’m weird like that.
And then in the middle of it all, my youngest went into kidney failure, was diagnosed with a life-altering disease, COVID came, and the world as I knew it stopped turning overnight.
It’s probably needless to say that the room isn’t done nor will it be anytime soon. With my daughter’s high-risk status, I can’t just sneak off to the store to peruse fabric, rugs, art, and curtain rods. Besides, the remainder of the project budget went towards medical expenses and camping trips to get her (and the rest of us) safely out of the house anyway.
But it’s all good. When it comes down to it, having a happy, healthy 10-year-old is a hell of a lot more important than a house.
I love Chris Loves Julia‘s concepts of project phases and choosing to love your home today. Right now. Not waiting to love where you live. So, this is phase 2 of my master bedroom. Someday I’ll get it finished.
For now, I’m celebrating the fresh clean walls, old courthouse panel headboard, crisp linen duvet, grandpa’s church pew, and late summer nights spent reading.
If nothing else productive comes out of 2020 in this space, at least I finally said goodbye to that baby poop brown!
Looking back, I’ve come a long way in the past decade and so has this bedroom. I guess that’s how it should be. Slowly progressing, getting better with age. Rooms and the people who live in them.
P.S. Just for kicks and giggles, see Phase 1 HERE and Phase 1 1/2 right HERE.
Paint Color- Alabaster by Sherwin Williams
I love it! It looks so bright and modern.