Welcome to my happy place of DIY, homemade, homegrown, handmade, nourished & crafted, whole hearted living. Finding magic in the mundane & growing some roots in the process.
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If you’ve stuck around here very long, you know that I carry a GENETIC MUTATION that gives me an extremely high risk for breast and ovarian cancers, among other things. I have talked about it HERE and more recently, HERE. It is something that is constantly in the back of my mind.
How excited I was this morning when I found THIS ARTICLE posted in the New York Times written by actress and activist, Angelina Jolie.
What a brave, wonderful thing this woman has done! She has drawn attention to a topic that up until this point has been very hush hush. There are women around the world, who have a genetic mutation, who either don’t know or know but don’t have any clue what to do now. Because of her choice to have a double mastectomy AND maybe even more importantly her choice to share her experience, people are talking and questions are being asked. BRCA 1 & 2 are all over the internet, radio, t.v. and news! I am so happy I could kiss this woman! {Of course, in a “Mama is so proud of you” non- “I kissed a girl and I liked it” kind of way…}
I’m not saying that having an elective double mastectomy is what everyone with a BRCA genetic mutation should do. I’m just saying thank you, Angelina, for bringing light to the subject and opening up the discussion. In the end, we have to do what we feel is the right decision for each of us and our families. I still don’t know if I will chose to take this plunge or even remove both my ovaries, I’m still wrestling with that in my mind. It’s such a personal decision, and either way there are repercussions. But, I do know that the more we talk about the hard stuff the more answers we will find and the easier it will be to ask for help.
via komenutah.org
This past Saturday, my family and I participated in our 7th RACE FOR THE CURE. There is something amazing that happens in your soul when you find yourself surrounded by thousands of others who are fighting against the very monster that you are. There is this healing peace that comes from seeing survivors in pink shirts waving banners that say, “I kicked cancer’s butt and so can you!”
You realize that you are not alone.
That there is strength in numbers.
And, that life is a beautiful thing.
Thank you, Angelina, for not being afraid to open your mouth and share. Many people’s lives will be touched because you did. I applaud you and wish you all the best.
We are all in this together… ok, now I sound like a Disney musical, but you know what I mean.
[…] why my body is doing the strange things that it is. We ended up discussing in depth the fate of my OVARIES. I left with a heavy heart and a racing mind, so I spent the rest of day hacking at weeds in the […]