Welcome to my happy place of DIY, homemade, homegrown, handmade, nourished & crafted, whole hearted living. Finding magic in the mundane & growing some roots in the process.
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I just spent the evening in the ER with my wild little 2 year old.
Don’t worry, everything is ok. She just decided to take her bike on the first ride of the season and ended up flat on her chubby gorgeous face. Yep, she’s done it before, this time it just involved a little more than road-rash! Poor Baby Girl ripped her mouth right open at the corner {think the Joker on Batman, and you’ll see the nightmare I had flash through my head!} and needed a whole lot of glue and a couple stitches. I think it was one of those rites of passage things. Now, she’s officially part of the club. She’s a big girl.
Got to say, I feel so so grateful tonight for incredible friends and for awesome in-laws for taking the other kids and for helping me get through the craziness. I am so insanely blessed.
I’m a little embarrassed to say, tonight was one of those times that I totally would have passed off for my husband to do. But, in a weird way, I’m glad that by default, it was me this time. As that crazy little Baby Girl lay there screaming like a banshee, while the poor doctor was desperately trying to stitch up her wound, she screamed the most beautiful word…
It was gut-wrenching and yet the most beautiful music to my ears at the same time.
That rambunctious, gorgeous, little she-devil needed me. There was nothing she wanted more in all the world than for me to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. She loves me. In that small moment, I had the most peaceful affirmation that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.