Welcome to my happy place of DIY, homemade, homegrown, handmade, nourished & crafted, whole hearted living. Finding magic in the mundane & growing some roots in the process.
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What can I say, the beginning of the New Year got away from me? Between work, basketball season, and family day to day (flooded basement, anyone?) I’ve had a hard time getting anything extra done. But life is good and I just wanted to pop in and say don’t worry, I’m still here.
The one little word I chose for 2019 is Magic.
W.B. Yeats said, “The world is full of magic things, just waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
My focus this year is too slow down and clear my eyes that I might notice the magical moments that happen all around me every single day. Opening myself to see and feel those times when God shows His hand in my life. Experiencing the wonder of His creations. Loving His children
Keeping wide eyes and an open heart.
That might sound kinda hokey to some, but I don’t mind. It’s exactly where I need to be right now. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older or maybe I’m finally starting to figure myself out, but this last little while I’ve cared less and less about what I should be doing and more about where I need and want to be. Even though I’ve been incredibly busy, I have felt freer during the first two months of this year than I can remember feeling for a long, long time.
I’m working on creating boundaries and removing things from my life that no longer serve. I’ve also been trying to ditch the guilt that I’ve let drive me for so long. That was a heavy load! I mean, who wants to carry that pile of junk? Not me!
Many of you know that my husband and father in law are basketball coaches at our local high school. My son, who is a sophomore, plays on the team. For the last several months, every Tuesday and Friday from 3pm-9pm I’ve been sitting on hard bleachers, eating concession stand food, and yelling at refs.
Traveling to surrounding counties takes up a bunch of time and gas, but there’s nowhere I’d rather be than with my boys. When
Our season just ended, last week. The boys made it to the first round of the state playoffs. It was fun to see their young team go so much farther than their critics said they would. They’ve learned to stand tall, with their eyes up, in the midst of adversity and I’m so proud. It was magic, you guys! I can’t wait to see how much they grow next year.
I’ve gotta say though, I’m pretty stoked about having an extra 15 or so hours in my week! Guess I better enjoy it because football season will be here before I know it!
Our family trades software, OnRivet, has also been keeping me busy lately.
In January, we manned a booth at The International Surface Event in Las Vegas. That was definitely NOT my cup of tea, too many people and way too much weird energy for this homebody. But it was a great learning and networking experience for our start-up.
Seeing this project go from idea to an actual business has been a really cool experience. I love working with my family. There’s really nobody I’d rather face drunk expo swag stalkers with. And I mean nobody.
Work, sports, and life have zapped my time but I have been squeaking in a little something here and there. I finally got up the guts to do something I’ve been thinking about for a while. I signed myself up for a photography class!
I’m learning how to understand and use my big girl camera and hopefully becoming a better interior photographer in the process. The course I’m taking will take about 8 weeks to complete, especially at the snail pace that I’ve been going. Taking it slow is allowing me to fit in an hour here or there in my wacky schedule, but it’s also helping me really process the information.
When I’m done, not only will I be able to up my photo game here on the blog and at my family business, but also maybe make me some spending money too. Here in Utah, the real estate market is white hot. I’m hoping with my new interior photography skills, I can create a working relationship with some of the local agents and take photos for their listings. Maybe it’ll work out, maybe it won’t. Who knows?
I do know one thing though, I’m excited that I finally pushed myself hard enough to try. I’ve got a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I’m moving forward, and that makes me smile.
So, that’s what I’ve been up to behind the scenes. Thanks for being patient while I’ve been sorting myself out. Trucking season is about to begin and I’ve got some fun DIY projects planned in the coming months to get me through it. I can’t wait to tell you all about those! And with any luck, after some more hours of class/practice I should be able to take a decent photo of the half bath that I have been dying to show you!
Hope the first couple months of 2019 have been good to you! If not, March is a new month and tomorrow is a new day. Get after it!