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DIY Gratitude Journals for Kids

November 5, 2015

  1. Aliza B says:

    I am so glad that you went ahead and shared these! My kids love the chance to be creative and I think this project would encourage them to use the journal since they created it themselves.

    I love what you say about we as women and thinking our life being pin worthy. It really made me think about how our perception of how our life “should” be has changed since social media has become the norm. Comparing our normal lives to the perfection that we see on Pinterest and Facebook can be so damaging to our self worth if we let it.

    • Missy says:

      Thanks for commenting, Aliza, you made my day! I feel the same way about social media, I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately. You should totally make these with your munchkins. Mine have really loved them and it’s been so fun to read what they write about.

  2. MeckMom says:

    I so love this post!! First, I love that you hang on to torn-up books too. So many of my happiest mom memories are tied to books that I can bear to toss them. Your idea to reuse them for craft projects is brilliant. I also love the sweet simplicity of the gratitude journal idea. I have six kids and it would be a so fun to build a stockpile of these books and then flip through their entries over the years. Thanks so much for sharing your mom genius!

    • Missy says:

      I’m so glad to hear there is someone else who can’t bear to toss them! Thank you for your kind comment. You probably have no idea but you’ve made my day.

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